Our Story

The Story Of Equippers For Christ

On July 30th, 2012, I heard God clearly said to me: “GUATEMALA, SOUTH AMERICA, 300”. It was difficult for me to understand God’s plan behind this.
I prayed about what was the purpose for me in these countries and God spoke again: ”YOU WILL BE AN EQUIPPER OF EQUIPPERS” (2 Timothy 2: 1-2). I knew that teaching and training was the passion I had, and the comments of people that knew me were: “The way you teach the word makes it easier to understand it” (Nehemiah 8:8).
I still needed another piece of information: “to whom”. A few days after I prayed about that, and I had a dream where a lot of young Hispanics between late teens and late twenties were waiting on me to go for them, and on the screen of my phone (in the dream) I could see these words: “ IT IS A CALLING”.
On 2013 and 2014 I couldn’t leave the US, so I decided to sponsor 1 child in Guatemala through Hearts in Action and 1 child in Ecuador thru World Vision. Meanwhile I became full time worker at Victory Church and by February 2016 I lead my first missions’ trip to the Guatemala Hearts in Action base when Pastor Ferrell Brown was the head of the mission department.
2 months after I came back from Guatemala, I had a dream, God showed me the flag of Peru, and He said: “WE HAVE TO GO NOW, THERE IS NO TIME LEFT”.
I went to Peru for the first time on October 2016 with a group of young adults and I got connected to different ministries in Peru, including Hearts in Action Lima and Pucallpa.
From 2017 to 2019, I led mission teams to Pucallpa-Peru in the Peruvian Amazonia through Victory, and I translated and taught messages in radio, TV , conferences and churches through Water Front Church from Richmond Hill GA (Pastor Adam Ricker), and Betel Church Chincha Peru (Pastor Jose Suarez and Youth Pastor Jose Pedro Suarez).
Fast-forward to 2020 I had a vision that I had to go to Ecuador, and after prayer and fasting Youth Pastor Jose Pedro and I went to Pillaro and Ambato in Ecuador and we preached in both cities. Right after we came back from Ecuador to Peru, I participated in the Conference 2020 in Chincha and 1 month later the Pandemic hit.
That was the beginning of the most intense ministry time. Combine efforts with Pastor Jose Pedro Suarez and his family from Betel Chincha and the support of the Victory Zoom platform, we started a Facebook live message every Friday, and a Discipleship class every Monday. We were also helping communities that had no resources to thrive during the Pandemic with the support of Victory Missions department.
That went for 2020, and on 2021 we started a second discipleship class on Wednesdays, alongside with teaching and preaching to both Hearts in Action bases and Apoyo Juvenil (Youth Support Ministries Lima Peru).
Another group is now created in Ecuador and the plan is to reach the whole South America continent with disciples that can be equipped to equip others.