Founders Story

The Founder Story

I was born in Uruguay South America and I was raised in a non-Christian family. My parents were hard workers and very responsible, but we had a bad spiritual background . My grandparents were idol worshipers and the idolatry (I know now) brought a lot of problems into our lives. I grew up studying English and music, and at the end of my high school years I went to School of Medicine and Fine Arts. I had a good academic preparation but nothing did prosper, and I was looking for the joy in things of this world.
I came to The United States in 1994 in search of the American dream, but instead in 1995 I gave my life to Christ and the direction of my goals changed.
I started to read the bible with hunger and I understood that Idolatry brings curses in our lives, although we have no intention to do so. It was a matter of ignorance, “my people perish for the lack of knowledge”. (Hosea 4:6)
I served in the church in different areas of ministry but my passion was to teach the word of God in a very clear and understandable way related to daily life. I didn’t want anybody to go through what we went through just because they don’t understand the spiritual forces that they open the door to operate in their lives.
In addition to that my father was a person that worked many hours a day and when he was home, he was emotionally absent. That put a burden in me for all the young ones that don’t have a father or they have emotionally absent fathers. God created me to walk in this calling to teach the word and become like a spiritual father figure for young people, that’s the heart of Equippers for Christ.
I currently work in Victory Church as a Facilities trainer coordinator and leading mission teams, translating and teaching.

Any time I think about who is the founder of “Equippers for Christ” I think about Him who is the creator of everything, visible and invisible. Jesus Christ.